Overall the move is a positive one; I love the space, the views, the sandhill cranes calling and the geese migrating. Now the struggle will be to make this life different from the previous one-not just a longer commute and a bigger 'lawn'. Is 'GrassWorks Family Farm' a business, a hobby farm or a homestead?
We (I) am still struggling with work/professional issues. Sell or don't sell the business, work for the local clinic part-time, local relief work, stay at home? It sure is nice to have options, but choices make me crazy! If GrassWorks is to be a business then we need someone to be home. As I write about it the choices seem clear (but then I pay bills and come to different conclusion!)
I am writing this at a WiFi connected cafe on my 'going to town' errand day. I hope to have internet at home soon but for now the posts will be sporadic.
What do you want to hear/see more of? Questions, suggestions welcomed otherwise I will continue to ramble and diary our progress.
Nice to see you back! As far as answers ... all I can say is to follow your bliss. Its not easy.... but what it lacks in material things, it makes up for in peace and joy.
Welcome back! Glad you're still kicking! It sounds like you've been busy, busy, busy! I would love to see pictures of the new house.
Good luck getting your old house sold. I know it seems to drag on forever.
welcome back!
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