I have shared my story with a few people outside my immediate family, it has been so rewarding to hear their enthusiasm. One friend, who taught art lessons for my Mom and myself told me 'this is the BEST thing I have heard all week!'
I have suddenly been released from the inertia of all the drama in my life lately, and I've got work to do! Tomorrow I will 1) stain trim for the house -needs to be done before we can make the move from construction loan to mortgage, 2) meet with the USDA grazier for our county -before the federal govt shutdown :) 3) start garden seeds -i know seems late but we can have frosts into June here. 4) order chickens -no wine before-hand this year, damn it, it is a business after all!
Hello Spring,
and Mud Season
Happiness abounds!! Only do in life what you truly love ... its too short to do otherwise.
Understand mud season! :)
Oh, how exciting! This is good news. I'm sending you wishes for warm weather and a productive first year 'on your own'.
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