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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Farm Tour Slideshow

I just put together a little slideshow at GrasWerka's site-help to remind me of green glass and a clean house!


Ruth Trowbridge said...

It reminds me of Little House on the Prairie (and all the warmth that conjures up), until one sees how posh it is of course!! wonderful Kris, thanks for sharing, peace

Hickchick said...

Thanks Ruth! I wish we had some of your trees!

Rea said...

I love that big kitchen. Don't worry though, green grass isn't too far away. I live in the middle of an Amish community and one of the ladies was telling me today (Feb 1st) is the day the stop taking away eggs from some of the chickens. It won't be too long before I'm holding my next batch of chicks and green grass can't be too far behind that.