I also harvested 2 huge cabbages-I fried 1/4 head and will make soup with another 1/2, but i am at a loss for what else to do with it. Homemade kraut?? I just put the head in the 'root closet' for now-it is the coolest place in the house aside from the fridge. Even without the tomatoes (still green), I was unprepared for the bounty of this garden. It's a good problem to have, I just need to learn how to cook with REAL food.
Ruralrose said...
giggles - we all long for success and then don't know what to do with it - you have done such an awesome job this year, pride should be smiling on your shoulder, peace
September 9, 2009 10:31 AM
fullfreezer said...
Whoa!!! That's a boat-load of potatoes! Good luck. Just be sure you let them cure out before you pack them in that closet. I found one of ours going stinkily bad yesterday.
September 9, 2009 8:38 PM
hickchick said...
Judy --this is the part I worry about... I have read all the things I did wrong!! Even though the vines had died back-the skins peeled easily. They were not mature enough. I have limited space and conditions for storage.
I will be purchasing a temp/humidity device. I will also start dehydrating potatoes! I really don't think they will last very long. Next year I will harvest on their schedule NOT MINE! :)
September 9, 2009 9:21 PM
Great smile! Wow, looks like you had a good harvest. Good yummie tater dishes ahead..........
OMG what a lovely girl! spuds look great too, peace
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