I am so proud of myself-look what I did!
Our dishwasher kicked the bucket a long time ago and we just didn't replace it. Bah! Modern conveniences-who needs 'em. As I prepared our house for sale, I decided it was time to have a functional dishwasher. I had a bad experience at our local big box appliance store, so I trotted down to our locally owned appliance store (who also will deliver AND take the old washer away). I paid a little more but I feel better about spending where more money will stay in our community. The sales person offered to put me in contact with a plumber who could install the thing, but he said-'they are pretty easy to install -if your husband is handy he would have no problem'. I thought, he is handy -but SO AM I! It took a couple hours and 1 trip to the hardware store for a new fitting and hose but it works and is not leaking. I keep checking to be sure!
It's a small thing but it is giving me a sense of competency, of 'non-helplessness'.
In other news- the paperwork is all with the bank. In another 2-3 weeks we should have a building loan.
I am having moments of 'what the hell are we doing' as I work on our house-I am 'remembering' how much I like it-the yard especially. Then we go out to the camper which is parked in a bare field where the wind never stops blowing. I have to remind myself that I cannot have livestock in my pretty yard, the trees, shrubs and flowers will come in time(along with hot running water).
My blogging will continue to be very sporadic--keep checking back though
Before we moved from Ca we had an acre and half was landscaped. Now I'm not talking a lawn and some bushes, no, there were 4 lawns, 2 koi ponds with a creek & 5 waterfalls, 18 sprinkler zones, 2 dozen tree species, ferns, rhododendrons, ivy, a knot garden, a rose garden and on and on.
It was fun, but it was also make believe. What we're doing now is real, not a poor imitation of some French Manor Garden.
We have some flowers tho...
I get the REAL part. I feel very NAKED out there, no false sense of security or protection. Just me and the dirt and the weather.
Oh, but think of the fun starting, literally, from the ground up. You can make it exactly what you imagine without having to put up with any previous owner's "great ideas". You can build your dream into reality. But I understand the feeling of "what have I gotten myself into!??"
Judy- yes that is the cool part (and oh yes -the expensive part)
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